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'Scream 4' Reviews, Nic Cage in Jail and 'Bridesmaids' Excitment in Today's Twitter-Wood


ScreamDespite a vaguely disappointing opening box office, most die hard horror fans rushed into theaters to catch "Scream 4" this weekend, and the reviews were mostly positive. The litany of plot twists and meta-jokes were enough to satisfy one of Earth's biggest pop singers and even lead one "Scream" alumnus to wish she hadn't been killed off so soon.

Many people who saw "Scream 4" this weekend were also treated to a brand new trailer for the summer comedy "Bridesmaids." All the hubbub is making the film's director refreshingly excited, so he took to the tweets to make some odd requests. And then apologize.

And unless you spent the weekend in isolation, you know that everyone was talking about Nic Cage's bizarre run in with the law and the reality TV star who bailed him out of prison. Sometimes Hollywood makes it too easy for comedians.

I'm @TravisHelwig and this is Twitter-Wood for April 18th, 2011.

"Bridesmaids" Request: @PaulFeig Bridesmaids billboards going up today. If you see one, could you snap a photo for me? I've never had a movie that had a billboard before.

"Bridesmaids" Apology: @PaulFeig Sorry for the lame billboard photo request but what can I say? I'm excited. It's part of my boyish charm. Or it's just sad. One of those.
-Paul Feig, Director/Writer ("Bridesmaids," "Freaks and Geeks")

@OliviaWilde Eric Bana and I are spending the day in a vibrating, rotating car crash set covered in blood and money. weirdest ride ever.
-Olivia Wilde, Actress ("Girl Next Store," "Cowboys & Aliens")

Scream 4 Pt 1: @ChrisBrown Scream 4 was dope!
-Chris Brown, Pop Singer ("Forever," "Look At Me Now")

Scream 4 Pt 2:@JennyMcCarthy Scream 4 makes me pissed I got killed in Scream 3.
-Jenny McCarthy, Actress ("Singled Out," "Scream 3")

@Morgan_Murphy Dog the Bounty Hunter bailed Nicolas Cage out of jail. In case you were wondering what the stupidest thing you're going to hear today is.
-Morgan Murphy, Comedian/Writer ("Late Night with Jimmy Fallon")

@jwoliner Funniest parts of Source Code were Jeffrey Wright's crazy voice and the fact that someone in the movie used Bing to look something up.
-Jason Woliner, Director ("Human Giant," "Parks and Recreation")

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